#sangmin layouts
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doogpyo · 2 years ago
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strawberry lips so shiny ✨
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sfixsun · 2 years ago
๑ mirae lee sangmin / khael layout
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acllamer · 1 year ago
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(1) Karena saya Aroha! Sebenarnya saya kepikiran buat jadi Jinjin atau MJ sebelumnya karena jarang banget nemu chara mereka, tapi member astro yang personality nya mirip saya ya Sanha, makanya sekarang jadi Sanha
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(2) Foto-foto ini!
(3) Seru!
(4) Saya jarang galau sih kalau ditinggal, kecuali pas malem.. biasanya saya nyibukin diri dengan main game atau melakukan kewajiban sebagai anak rp (diving dan upchar)
(5) Ngga marah.. karena saya lah mutual tersebut 😔☝🏻
(6) @Mimgguri (udah keluar sih sekarang, tapi saya paling sayang guri..)
(7) Kiss : Sara, Keenan | Maret : Pacar saya only | Kill : Gavriel (gomen)
(8) Saya baru masuk! Masa langsung unver aja, belum ngerasain sebulan disini 😞
(9) Songkang hyung sama Yuta hyung 🧎🏻
(10) Karena pacar saya lucu banget, ngomel-ngomel habis saya gangguin (bucingitis)
(11) Sebenernya saya udah ngikutin kalian dari sebelum go, tapi karena belum ada semangat buat aktif kembali akhirnya kelewatan. Dari yang saya lihat, kegiatan di sq ini seru dan ga memberatkan!
(12) Kalau DADS menurut saya gapapa, karena saya sendiri tipe orang yang membangun vibes berbeda untuk tiap akun, dan sebisa mungkin jangan ada orang selain pacar saya yang tau. Kalau DADC parah sih, memangnya ga cukup satu couple aja?
(13) Jangan berharap lebih, terutama buat hubungan jangka panjang
(14) [insert meme tergantung orangnya]
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(15) Ini! Dari drama Crazy Love
(16) Sparks.. mending ga usah pacaran kalau udah ga ada lost sparks
(17) Pros : Selalu nyisihin waktu luang mau sesibuk apa pun, dan kalau mau off dalam waktu lama pasti ngabarin. Selalu apresiasi pasangan, bucin abis (salah satu privilege jadi pacar saya adalah dibuatin layout gratis apalagi yang couple 🧎🏻) | Cons : Suka silent treatment kalau lagi marah banget, kadang lupa buka hp, jahil(?) Wkwk
(18) Saya jarang nonton film.. tapi kalau film yang berkesan buat saya The Wind Rises, karena bahas tentang sejarah dan sedih banget endingnya..
(19) Kreativitas saya balik lagi karena dapet misi yang harus ngedit ngedit 🛐
(20) Yang kayak krimtaerae pokoknya
(21) Ada.. saya habis newlife, pokoknya disana tuh temen baru semua. Ada satu rp yang temenan sama saya dari awal saya bikin akun, lumayan banyak interaksi juga. Terus pas saya iseng liat list rp punya mantan (kebetulan emang mutualan sama ca nya) ternyata ada akun itu ;)
(23) Lantas - Juicy Luicy
(24) 7/10, ga ada hal buruk cuma akhir Januari mengandung bawang karena ulang tahun mending moonbin, jadi saya nya sedih
(25) @Mimgguri, thank you for staying with me until today (kcup ubun-ubun nya)
(26) Pernah dikirim gantungan kunci dari mantan..
(27) Kiss : Gyuri noona, Phi Bai | Marry : Krimtaerae only | Kill : belum ada yang bisa di kill 🧍🏻
(28) Chaeyeon noona!
(29) Udah waktunya aja
(30) krimtaerae krimtaerae krimtaerae
(31) Game sama Sangmin kemarin seru tapi saya ga sempet ikutan 💔
(32) Seok Matthew Zb1
(33) Jinjin Astro!
(34) Ngga juga sih.. saya sama siapa aja oke asal bukan jfb, karena kurang nyaman
(35) Just three words, I love you!
(36) Twinkling watermelon, Sweet home, Partner of Justice
(37) Twinkling watermelon, karena ceritanya heartwarming..
(38) Starry Night - fromis_9
(39) Betelgeuse - Yuuri
(40) Blancers, makasih banyak udah nerima saya jadi bagian ActBlanc! Seneng banget tetep dapet kesempatan gabung sama sq ini. Dan buat Blancie, makasih udah nerima saya disini 🫂
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tom1rae · 4 years ago
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junhyuk + dongpyo + khael layouts
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kebs-moodboards · 3 years ago
Khael layouts/headers
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You said you would die for her
Requested by: @kimiyas
▪//Headers are mine!// ▪
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inhwi · 3 years ago
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yubin icons
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jisunggfd · 3 years ago
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...✏️ Khael from Mirae <3
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maetoilehan · 4 years ago
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Lee Sangmin packs/layouts
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hobidreams · 5 years ago
Moonlit Throne historical clarifications/references
i want to accurately represent the history from the joseon era, but sometimes for the sake of story/ease of accessibility, things had to be minorly changed. the following is a list of creative choices/changes i make in the writing of Moonlit Throne, as well as further information about the history/culture that i’ve found through my own research 💓 i hope this can also provide some more context for those interested. this list is to be updated as the series progresses so i always recommend you read the latest drabble before checking for more info here for risk of spoilers. please correct me if i get any info wrong!!
for even more information about the world, check out the tag #moonlit history!
last updated: after drabble 43!
new information for the latest drabble will be under the moon.
king gwanghae - as mentioned in the line “gwanghae flow” & in the rest of the MV, Daechwita was inspired by this historical king & the movie about him. Moonlit Throne is not inspired by any king. any event that is similar is purely coincidental!
topknot - various sources state that only married men were allowed to wear their hair up, though this is often not the case in popular korean media. even though Yoongi is unmarried, i chose to pay homage to the daechwita MV & give him a topknot throughout the series. *** same goes for the blonde hair color!
months - traditionally, they followed the lunar calendar in the Joseon era. but i thought that that would be a bit difficult to explain for modern audiences so i am choosing to use the months/modern equivalents of dates.
yoongi’s scar - i am aware that Scarlet Heart Ryeo depicts the facial scar as a reason that someone could not become king. i haven’t found much on this in the way of historical sources, so it’s not a factor in my series!
uinyeo - aka. reader’s mom, and eventually reader herself. at the time, it was believed that women could not be treated by male doctors due to the shame of showing a man their body, even in a medical context. this position was generally occupied by a woman that was ranked below middle-class & commoner (think merchants/fishermen/etc.) as it was not a very desireable role. reader’s mom, Eun-a, is the head uinyeo, which is why she is called “su-uinyeo-nim” by others.
***i haven’t found any information that says men couldn’t be treated by women due to the Confucius beliefs, so at least in this story, reader helps out the male physicians from time to time.
eunuch - eunuchs were impotent or castrated men (had all or part of their genitals removed) who worked within the palace walls, serving and attending the royal family. they had their own hierarchy, like head eunuch, etc. it was possible for eunuchs to marry & have families of their own.
***Eunuch Kim has a 🍆! it’s just his testicles that were removed.
yoongi’s name - technically kings use temple names that end in jo or jong instead of their given names, but i’m keeping it as Yoongi!!
age - it’s revealed in the march 1858 drabble that Yoongi is officially turning 10 years old that year, but this is in Korean age. his birth year is 1849, which would make him 9 years old in age as we know it internationally. Korean tradition dictates that people age up at the start of the new year (Jan 1), not on their actual birthday. traditionally, they also add an extra year as they consider the baby 1 year old at birth, not 0 years old. to do the math, reader is two years older than him, which would make her born in 1847 & turning 12 that year!
*** the average life expectancy around that time was ~35-40, so their understanding of a teenager would be very different than ours, at least in terms of maturity. thus, even though the main characters are relatively young by today’s standards, i’ve written them to come off as older. UPDATED INFO: it seems court ladies could live up to rather elderly ages, even up to 70, so i’m not sure if the earlier statistic was just mainly for men.
birthdays - i couldn’t find any information about whether they celebrated the actual day of birth as well back then, only about 100 day milestones, etc. but it is part of Korean culture to celebrate the birthday in modern times, so i kept it in.
jeonha - similar to mama, this is how you refer to the king as an equivalent to “Your Majesty”. wangseja-jeonha is the full title for the crown prince. usually people just call him seja-jeonha.
women’s rights - how much freedom you have kind of depends on what rank you are. most of the upper court/noble ladies (yangban) are born & raised within the palace. they were very, very rarely allowed to leave (& if they were married off, then they would have to leave with like guards/people with them). it’s unfortunate but they were treated like property, passed off from father -> husband. from what i can gather, the lower ranked women (like the uinyeo) had a bit more liberty about going into town (or at least ive seen in media), mostly bc no one cared about them.... sad truth but truth nonetheless.
king’s authority - even though the king is the ruler of the entire land, he doesn’t have absolute authority over everything. generally kings in the joseon era had to listen to the advice of the court officials if they thought he was making the wrong choice.
Minister Choi’s execution - so actually there were several types of executions for people of different ranks. someone of Minister Choi’s status likely would have been given a less gruesome death via. poison (sasa or 사사). but i’m keeping it as a beheading to pay homage to the daechwita MV!
***i also came across an article that said only royal blood could be spilled on the palace grounds so i’m not 100% sure where the public execution square was located, only that there was one & it was separate from the palace. also a lot of dramas seem to ignore this rule, so i’m not sure.
perfume - this existed back then! along with cosmetics. they were a luxury item for mostly the upper class, but they definitely existed.
Queen Jeonghui’s birthday - fun fact! i borrowed this real life queen’s name first, for drabble 3. then i found out, it just so happens that her real birthday falls in November as well. it was a total coincidence haha. 
OC’s outfit/hairstyle - this is what she would have worn!
palace - the layout of the series setting is loosely based off Gyeongbokgung Palace! if you look at the map, i’ve set the private gardens at #24 (though the position of the island is different than how it looks in the map. it’s instead from the right side going towards the left), Yoongi’s private residence is #25. reader is moved into #23. #26-28 are libraries, which includes the crown prince’s private library.
*** also the palace is much bigger than you might imagine so to get anywhere takes some time & a bit of walking!
jipgyeongdang (집경당) - #22 on the map. along with #23 (below), were traditionally houses for concubines & palace maids before Yoongi moved them.
hamhwadang (함화당) - #23 on the map. where reader lives post December 1868.
sanggung - the highest rank available for women who served the palace/royal family. a woman could become a “favored sanggung” if she slept with the king, but not a proper concubine. normally from the “commoner” class.
sangmin - “commoner” class. made up about 80% of joseon’s people. were the farmers, fishermen, laborers, etc. these were the people that paid taxes and were ruled over by the nobles!
cheonmin - the rank below commoner, described in English as “vulgar commoner.” the upper classes considered these people “unclean.” among their numbers were butchers, sex workers, performers, shoemakers, and yes, uinyeo. they were normally given little to no respect at all within society.
concubine - women that had the honor of sleeping with the king. concubines had their own ranks within them as the king usually had many (think around a dozen). more info.
town - from what i can gather, directly outside of the palace is a small town. if you think of the Daechwita MV, it’s like the town that Yoongi walks through when he has black hair. this is where mostly people of the middle/lower class, like sangmin & those below that, live.
chuseok - Korean harvest festival! it means “autumn evening with the brightest moon”. it’s usually celebrated on the 15th day of the eighth month in the lunar calendar. that would put it anywhere around sept 9-oct 2 in our modern calendar depending on the year!
yangban - these are the “ruling class” or gentry of the joseon era. generally means their families own land, are somewhat (or very) wealthy, and they are well-educated. (think Mr. Darcy, for a British equivalent)
why does no one recognize the prince in town? - with a lack of access to pictures & internet, it was common for the normal citizens of the country to not know what their monarchs looked like. generally to identify people & rank, they had to rely on appearance. gold was a color only reserved for royalty, so only the king & his sons could wear the royal robes with gold embroidery. once Yoongi takes off those robes, it’d be hard to identify him from among regular yangban!
jeon - these are bits of shrimp/vegetables/fish/other small things that are deep fried in egg batter!
nokdujeon - this is like a small, savory pancake made with, you guessed it, mung beans!
Chun-ja calling Eunuch Kim “Kim-nim” - look. i’ll be straight with you i have no idea how a commoner would refer to a eunuch. i’m flip-flopping between his title (which i also cannot figure out bc idk which of the 18 political ranks he would be, but not for lack of trying y’all T_T) & his name with the respectful -nim. so just to be safe, i’m going with it.
***i also am not 100% on this, but i believe Eunuchs rank higher than commoners because they work in the palace? which is why Eunuch Kim uses “-ssi” for her.
hangul & hanja - so the Korean alphabet as we know it is called hangul, and it was invented in 1443. in the past, they used to use hanja, Chinese characters, to write documents.
female literacy rate - as related to above, it was rare for women to be able to read/write even up until the late 19th century. they weren’t allowed to learn hanja at all & only around 4% could learn hangul. of those 4%, it was mostly noble women, who received good education to be better wives.
***books were then thus read aloud by those literate to crowds, so people could still enjoy stories.
face - the concept of “face” is very much rooted in Asian culture. in Korea, it’s called chemyon, & is basically related to your reputation + how others see you. you can lose, build, or gain face through your actions or what rumors of you spread. for example, if parents have children with bad grades, they + the child lose face. people should strive to do things to build their family’s honor & face up. i’ve experienced firsthand how people go to sometimes extreme lengths to “save face” as the term goes. basically, if you’re going to do something shameful, it’s better to do it where no one can see. (this concept isn’t going to have a huge influence in the series, at least not so far & i use it rather lightheartedly in October 1865 but i just thought that it’s really interesting + important to know about Asian culture!)
French expedition to Korea (Byeong-in yangyo) - in October 1866, the second French empire tried to invade Korea (or Joseon as it was called at the time) because the king at the time executed seven French missionaries. after several months of fighting, Korea won with only four soldiers killed & 3 wounded (compared to France: 3 killed, 35 wounded). Joseon was able to stay relatively isolated from all the other countries, continuing the practice of isolationism.
gossip - i couldn’t find any laws prohibiting people from talking about court going-ons/battles, though i would assume that it’s punishable if you’re doing it to talk badly about the king. but even if there were laws in place, word gets around, as word tends to do. therefore, i’ve given Eunuch Kim a bit more freedom in his letters.
royal funerals - it could actually take up to 5 months for the coffin to begin its journey to the resting tomb, but i’ve expedited the timeline for plot purposes!
coronations - these actually weren’t super common in Korea or Asia in general, but it did happen once in the 1700s for King Yeongjo. i’m using that as inspiration for Yoongi’s crowning.
*** also i couldn’t find info on the exact wording that King Yeongjo used when he announced his succession to his deceased brother’s body so... i took some creative license there.
gama - how yangban & up women travelled, carried by their servants. here’s a visual!
the royal engagement - actually, Beom-su would not have lived within the palace walls. she would have lived in a detached palace that was further away from the main palace, and there would be a whole procession where the king goes to her during their wedding rites. however, i’ve seen several dramas have the bride-to-be hang around a lot, which seems to be true because she would have had to learn the customs of the palace, so i’m not sure how much she would have been around realistically. i’ve just chosen not to address it, like the dramas do.
Beom-su’s name - i chose this name for her because of one of the possible hanja for beom: “犯”, which i would pair with the hanja “秀” for su. her name would basically mean excellent invasion, which i thought was a bit cruel, slightly humorous, & overall fitting. it is normally a masculine name though! 
why are Beom-su’s father’s actions such a scandal? - so all the unmarried women living/working in the palace were considered the king’s property. he could sleep with them if he wanted to, but essentially they belonged to him. by laying hands on the maid, the minister committed a double sin because he not only was he assaulting someone, but he was infringing upon the king’s territory. 
civil service exam (gwageo) - this is an exam issued every 3 years that any man, commoner rank & above, could take in order to enter into civil service. it’s what Jimin takes to enter into the court! i’m not sure what month these were held or if it was just at the king’s discretion (could not find much info)
more on eunuch kim & the re-marriage process
royal tombs - these were often quite far away from the actual palace but looking on maps, i found that there were a few tombs rather close to the palace that people could have conceivably travelled to within a day, over several long hours on horseback!
on natural disasters - yes, in history, natural disasters like floods/earthquakes/eclipses were said to be the king’s fault because he wasn’t a good enough ruler! things like this could seriously derail the people’s trust in the king and was a big cause of concern.
on Queen Jeonghui being in court meetings - i couldn’t find actual evidence that said the queen couldn’t be at these daily meetings between officials. in fact, the real life Empress Myeongseong in the ~1870s was pretty involved in politics and was quite interested in matters of law, etc. so, i’ve decided to allow Jeonghui to be present and address the ministers alongside Yoongi!
Chunaengjeon - i kind of explain more about this already in the drabble itself but if you’re curious, it’s the only solo court dance in the Joseon era and the highlight of the dance is a moment where the dancer mimics a bird perched on a flower and smiles :’) i thought it was fitting for these two. here’s a video of a performance that i used as reference!
janae - there were quite a few different terms for couples to call each other during this time. “janae” was meant to represent wife and is kind of their equivalent to our... “honey”? it was mostly used among the commoners/lower classes to convey affection and closeness. (aka eunuch kim continues to be the cutest)
on adopting a child as a eunuch - the readings i found say that eunuch kim’s children must be eunuchs themselves if he adopts them directly, but they don’t mention anything about this particular case of a eunuch marrying a widow, aka the child is not directly adopted by Eunuch Kim himself. so Han-jae will not be a eunuch when he grows up!
american invasion of korea (shinmiyangyo) - this is a true historical event, as i’ve mentioned in my author’s note for “June 1871.” Americans repeatedly violated Korean soveriegnty and invaded their land, resulting in many, many deaths for the Korean side. they were hoping this destruction would force Korea to accept the trade treaty. Korea did not, and eventually were able to chase the Americans out of their land a month later. the wikipedia page goes into greater detail if you’re interested, and is a quick overview of the situation.
seong-min’s living situation - as i’ve mentioned earlier with the whole Beom-su situation, i’ve chosen to not use the detached palace again for this engagement as dramas tend to do.
the wedding ceremony - similar to my reasoning about the detached palace, i’ve chosen to focus on only a few parts of the marriage rites while only briefly mentioning the rest. why? well, while i would LOVE to explain all the details and intricacies of such an incredible process, i feel like that would take a lot away from the heart of the story and be distracting, especially at such a critical stage. so i’ve explained what i can, and given brief overviews where i am able. ofc i adjusted the parading ceremony because of the change of the detached palace custom. if you’d like an easy-to-read source on the whole process, please check out this link! basically the MLT chapter depicts a tweaked vers of steps 5 and 6. 1-3 happened behind the scenes, and i mentioned #4 in the “summer 1871″ drabble.
chungin - our equivalent of “white collar” workers, or the upper-middle class. this rank was made up of low-level bureaucrats, accountants, physicians, etc. some royal servants would also be part of this rank because they’re allowed to enter the palace. there is an exam (chapkwa) to become this rank!
conception dreams (taemong) - as uinyeo-nim explains in the drabble, these dreams were often seen as omens of impending pregnancy. depending on what you see in your dream, there are different interpretations. possible symbols are animals, fruits, elements of nature, children, and jewels. eg. if you dreamed of fruits, it was often considered to be a sign of having a baby girl.
other conception myths - i know from my own experience that Asians often have a lot of superstitions regarding conception and pregnancy and medical things in general. however, i couldn’t find any specific conception myths for the time period in question (most of my research only uncovered superstitions for after you’re already pregnant), so i’ve taken some creative license here, using the conception dreams and current beliefs as inspiration!
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on Queen Jeonghui calling oc “dear” - since I prefer not to use Y/N, ___, etc. for reader’s name and just generally avoid mentioning it, it’s nearly impossible for me to convey the tone with which Queen Jeonghui would’ve been calling OC in this chapter. in Korean, she would be saying “[name]-yah/ah” depending on the ending syllable of the name. adding that suffix to the end of a name conveys closeness and intimacy between people. I’ve chosen to substitute it for “dear” to make things sound more natural in English. it’s not an exact match, but it’ll have to do!
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str9led · 8 years ago
NEXON Dark Avenger3 Cinematic Trailer from Alfred Imageworks on Vimeo.
Client : NEXON Production Company : Alfred Imageworks
Executive Producer : Yoo Sungjin Producer : Jeong Jiwon Director : Park Doseok Art Director : Lee Sangdon CGI Supervisor : Choi Heeseok, Kim Geunmo, Seong Jeonghun Animation Supervisor : Kang Byongho Previsual Supervisor : Kim Sanggon Concept Artists : Lee Sangdon Previz & Layout Artist : Lee Kitak, Lim Sujeong, Rho Seemin, Zo Seonghyun Asset Artists : Choi Heeseok, Kim Hongseok, Kim Jaehwan, Jang Munsun, Park Youngjin, Kim Minseok, Kim Minseo, Yoon Hyunho, Yeo dayeong Rigging Artist: Kim Geunmo Animators : Rho Seemin, Zo Seonghyun, Sa Yeondong, Lee Jonghun, Kwon Soonhee Hair Simulation : Choi Heeseok, Kim Hongseok, Kim Jaehwan, Jang Munsun, Park Youngjin, Kim Minseok, Kim Minseo Cloth Simulation : Choi Heeseok, Kim Hongseok, Kim Jaehwan, Jang Munsun, Park Youngjin, Kim Minseok, Kim Minseo , Rho Seemin, Zo Seonghyun, Sa Yeondong, Lee Jonghun, Kwon Soonhee FX Artists : Seong Jeonghun, Kim Minsik, Park Sanggi, Jang Jeongung Lighting & Compositing : Jang Dongoh, Kim Chaehyeon, Lim Sujeong, Editor : Park Doseok
Partners Motion Capture : Dooree System Technology Motion Capture Action Director : Choi Bongrok (S.A.S) Motion Capture Actor : Kim youngmin, Lee Kwangki, Shim Cheolmin, Kim Seonwoong, Lee sangmin, Ryu Seongcheol, Kim yooi, Park Gabjin (S.A.S) Matte Painting : Milk Imageworks Sound Design : Limelight
Launch : June 2017
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kebee-s · 8 years ago
NEXON Dark Avenger3 Cinematic Trailer from Alfred Imageworks on Vimeo.
Client : NEXON Production Company : Alfred Imageworks
Executive Producer : Yoo Sungjin Producer : Jeong Jiwon Director : Park Doseok Art Director : Lee Sangdon CGI Supervisor : Choi Heeseok, Kim Geunmo, Seong Jeonghun Animation Supervisor : Kang Byongho Previsual Supervisor : Kim Sanggon Concept Artists : Lee Sangdon Previz & Layout Artist : Lee Kitak, Lim Sujeong, Rho Seemin, Zo Seonghyun Asset Artists : Choi Heeseok, Kim Hongseok, Kim Jaehwan, Jang Munsun, Park Youngjin, Kim Minseok, Kim Minseo, Yoon Hyunho, Yeo dayeong Rigging Artist: Kim Geunmo Animators : Rho Seemin, Zo Seonghyun, Sa Yeondong, Lee Jonghun, Kwon Soonhee Hair Simulation : Choi Heeseok, Kim Hongseok, Kim Jaehwan, Jang Munsun, Park Youngjin, Kim Minseok, Kim Minseo Cloth Simulation : Choi Heeseok, Kim Hongseok, Kim Jaehwan, Jang Munsun, Park Youngjin, Kim Minseok, Kim Minseo , Rho Seemin, Zo Seonghyun, Sa Yeondong, Lee Jonghun, Kwon Soonhee FX Artists : Seong Jeonghun, Kim Minsik, Park Sanggi, Jang Jeongung Lighting & Compositing : Jang Dongoh, Kim Chaehyeon, Lim Sujeong, Editor : Park Doseok    Partners Motion Capture : Dooree System Technology Motion Capture Action Director : Choi Bongrok (S.A.S) Motion Capture Actor : Kim youngmin, Lee Kwangki, Shim Cheolmin, Kim Seonwoong, Lee sangmin, Ryu Seongcheol, Kim yooi, Park Gabjin (S.A.S) Matte Painting : Milk Imageworks Sound Design : Limelight
Launch : June 2017
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doogpyo · 4 years ago
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👥 Khael CatBoy (O_o) !
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juliandmouton30 · 8 years ago
Richard Meier models all-white Oxfordshire residence on English manor houses
American architect Richard Meier has completed his first project in the UK, a characteristically bright white house perched on a hill overlooking the Oxfordshire countryside.
Initiated in 2007, the project known simply as the Oxford Residence has taken a decade to complete and has just been shortlisted for a RIBA Regional Award.
Meier, 82, designed the home and its accompanying guesthouse for an anonymous client whom he met at an exhibition of his artworks in London.
"I met the clients when I had an exhibition of my work in London. They came to the exhibition, and we met and talked, and they suggested meeting at a later date to talk about a new house that they were planning to build," Meier told Dezeen.
"They had very specific requirements in terms of the various spaces of the house, as well as the guest house adjacent to the main house," added the architect, who is one of the last practising 20th-century modernists.
Meier drew inspiration from the traditional English manor house, placing the residence on the most elevated part of the site, where it can survey its bucolic grounds.
The 837-square-metre house and its 141-square-metre guest lodgings sprawl across the crest of the hill. Their concrete structures stand on a paved base and are uniformly coated in a layer of bright white render that contrasts the vividness of the pastoral landscape.
While the rear of the house is largely opaque where it backs onto a wood, expanses of glazing form the front facade that faces the open countryside.
Sections of columnar glazing and clerestory windows lift the flat roof and side walls away from the rear facade, giving the house an appearance of being open or impenetrable from different approaches.
"The site is open landscape and the way the house is organised and situated would be like many English manor houses," said Meier. "So the siting and the context is related to the English manor houses of the past."
"Our primary site goal is always to create a strong sense of place, by enhancing or transforming the existing site in a unique and provocative way," he continued.
"Whether urban, or the open landscape, we search the context of each project individually for clues that inspire an idea about issues of organisation, scale, and location that provoke a strong dialog with its setting."
Inside, sections of opaque wall and glazing block or permit views, which gradually unfold towards the front of the house where rooms become increasingly more exposed.
White-painted aluminium louvres run across portions of the gridded glazing, a detail replicated inside through the balustrades of the staircase and an elevated walkway overlooking the lounge.
Hickory flooring adds a hint of warmth to the white spaces, which are dressed with white furniture and a handful of sculptures.
Utility spaces and a gym are arranged through the basement of the main house, with living areas placed at ground level and five bedrooms with en-suite bathrooms distributed across the top floor.
Here, a footbridge links the rear of the house with an outdoor swimming pool elevated on a higher part of the hillside.
The self-contained guesthouse is detached from the main residence and has a bedroom, bathroom and an open-plan kitchen and lounge.
"Specific to the site of the house and the related buildings, the design seeks to integrate the landscape and views as part of its identity, bringing a natural balance between building and landscape," said project architect Kevin B Baker.
"Similarly, the layering of programme, walls and columns that dictate the interior layout are designed to complement the light and views specific to every vantage point, creating breathtaking common spaces."
In an exclusive interview with Dezeen last year, Meier discussed New York's changing skyline. The architect said a new breed of skyscrapers – including BIG's "courtscraper" – show no respect for the scale of the city.
The Pritzker Prize-winning architect runs his New York and Los Angeles-based practice with six partners. Collectively they have completed over 130 projects across America, Europe and Asia.
One of Meier's earliest projects, the 1978 Douglas House in Lake Michigan was added to the USA's National Register of Historic Places last summer.
The firm, which came in at number 96 on the Dezeen Hot list, has recently completed a trio of residential buildings and two charter schools in downtown Newark and released a minimal lighting collection.
Related story
New York's latest skyscrapers are "disrespectful to the whole city" says Richard Meier
Photography is by Hufton + Crow.
Project credits:
Design architect: Richard Meier & Partners Principal-in-charge: Richard Meier Project architect: Kevin B Baker Project team: David Bench, Maria E Cumella, Kevin Hamlett, Bori Kang, Hans Put, Heejoo Shi, Sangmin You, Executive architect: Berman Guedes Stretton Executive principle-in-charge: Roger Stretton Executive project architects: Jon Du Croz and Trevor Taw Landscape architect: Tom Stuart-Smith MEP engineer: CBG Consultants Structural engineer: Price & Myers General contractor: Sizebreed Construction
The post Richard Meier models all-white Oxfordshire residence on English manor houses appeared first on Dezeen.
from ifttt-furniture https://www.dezeen.com/2017/04/05/richard-meier-white-oxfordshire-residence-english-manor-house-england/
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jeniferdlanceau · 8 years ago
Richard Meier models all-white Oxfordshire residence on English manor houses
American architect Richard Meier has completed his first project in the UK, a characteristically bright white house perched on a hill overlooking the Oxfordshire countryside.
Initiated in 2007, the project known simply as the Oxford Residence has taken a decade to complete and has just been shortlisted for a RIBA Regional Award.
Meier, 82, designed the home and its accompanying guesthouse for an anonymous client whom he met at an exhibition of his artworks in London.
"I met the clients when I had an exhibition of my work in London. They came to the exhibition, and we met and talked, and they suggested meeting at a later date to talk about a new house that they were planning to build," Meier told Dezeen.
"They had very specific requirements in terms of the various spaces of the house, as well as the guest house adjacent to the main house," added the architect, who is one of the last practising 20th-century modernists.
Meier drew inspiration from the traditional English manor house, placing the residence on the most elevated part of the site, where it can survey its bucolic grounds.
The 837-square-metre house and its 141-square-metre guest lodgings sprawl across the crest of the hill. Their concrete structures stand on a paved base and are uniformly coated in a layer of bright white render that contrasts the vividness of the pastoral landscape.
While the rear of the house is largely opaque where it backs onto a wood, expanses of glazing form the front facade that faces the open countryside.
Sections of columnar glazing and clerestory windows lift the flat roof and side walls away from the rear facade, giving the house an appearance of being open or impenetrable from different approaches.
"The site is open landscape and the way the house is organised and situated would be like many English manor houses," said Meier. "So the siting and the context is related to the English manor houses of the past."
"Our primary site goal is always to create a strong sense of place, by enhancing or transforming the existing site in a unique and provocative way," he continued.
"Whether urban, or the open landscape, we search the context of each project individually for clues that inspire an idea about issues of organisation, scale, and location that provoke a strong dialog with its setting."
Inside, sections of opaque wall and glazing block or permit views, which gradually unfold towards the front of the house where rooms become increasingly more exposed.
White-painted aluminium louvres run across portions of the gridded glazing, a detail replicated inside through the balustrades of the staircase and an elevated walkway overlooking the lounge.
Hickory flooring adds a hint of warmth to the white spaces, which are dressed with white furniture and a handful of sculptures.
Utility spaces and a gym are arranged through the basement of the main house, with living areas placed at ground level and five bedrooms with en-suite bathrooms distributed across the top floor.
Here, a footbridge links the rear of the house with an outdoor swimming pool elevated on a higher part of the hillside.
The self-contained guesthouse is detached from the main residence and has a bedroom, bathroom and an open-plan kitchen and lounge.
"Specific to the site of the house and the related buildings, the design seeks to integrate the landscape and views as part of its identity, bringing a natural balance between building and landscape," said project architect Kevin B Baker.
"Similarly, the layering of programme, walls and columns that dictate the interior layout are designed to complement the light and views specific to every vantage point, creating breathtaking common spaces."
In an exclusive interview with Dezeen last year, Meier discussed New York's changing skyline. The architect said a new breed of skyscrapers – including BIG's "courtscraper" – show no respect for the scale of the city.
The Pritzker Prize-winning architect runs his New York and Los Angeles-based practice with six partners. Collectively they have completed over 130 projects across America, Europe and Asia.
One of Meier's earliest projects, the 1978 Douglas House in Lake Michigan was added to the USA's National Register of Historic Places last summer.
The firm, which came in at number 96 on the Dezeen Hot list, has recently completed a trio of residential buildings and two charter schools in downtown Newark and released a minimal lighting collection.
Related story
New York's latest skyscrapers are "disrespectful to the whole city" says Richard Meier
Photography is by Hufton + Crow.
Project credits:
Design architect: Richard Meier & Partners Principal-in-charge: Richard Meier Project architect: Kevin B Baker Project team: David Bench, Maria E Cumella, Kevin Hamlett, Bori Kang, Hans Put, Heejoo Shi, Sangmin You, Executive architect: Berman Guedes Stretton Executive principle-in-charge: Roger Stretton Executive project architects: Jon Du Croz and Trevor Taw Landscape architect: Tom Stuart-Smith MEP engineer: CBG Consultants Structural engineer: Price & Myers General contractor: Sizebreed Construction
The post Richard Meier models all-white Oxfordshire residence on English manor houses appeared first on Dezeen.
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8217598 https://www.dezeen.com/2017/04/05/richard-meier-white-oxfordshire-residence-english-manor-house-england/
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tom1rae · 4 years ago
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